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Iyé Creative in the Media

Lisa Weighton
August 1, 2023

"Part of our work over the last two years has been bringing more culturally relevant foods to the table and introducing crops that can thrive in this ecosystem,” Stone says. “Collards love these lands, and our communities love collards."

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Douglas Magazine

November 12, 2022

"Iyé Creative is a food justice and grassroots collective nurturing reciprocal relations and mutual aid systems. In their words, 'we observed a need and took action in a way we felt we could influence – through amplifying the voices of our diverse community members, and encouraging reconnection to ancestral food, land and culture.'"

Times Colonist

November 12, 2022

"Power To Be won the ­Innovation award, Iyé ­Creative Collective took home the ­Inspirational New Venture prize and B.C. Transit won for ­Leadership in Design and ­Construction for the ­redevelopment of its new ­handyDART centre."

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Farm Folk City Folk blog

May 12, 2022

"Reyes Antuan describes how many people in marginalized communities do not have access to food systems work, agriculture, and local food in part because they are not represented in the local food community. Through burlap sack gardens, Reyes Antuan and Barton saw an opportunity for 'Representing these voices and holding a space for them to show what they are capable of.'"

The Discourse

April 14, 2022

"'Food is a human right and food is sacred and food was a gift from the creators,' Reyes Antuan said at the workshop. 'Good food is a human right and we need to keep pushing so everyone can have access to it.'"

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Capital Daily

February 18, 2022

"More than 90 burlap sack gardens and 1,500 kg of food have been distributed through their programs."

Advancing Food Sovereignty with Iyé Creative

Resilience Environmental Solutions

September 10, 2021

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The Discourse

May 11, 2021

"Iyé Creative, a social enterprise based in Victoria, uses food and education to reconnect people with land, culture and community."


January 2021

"Upon successfully nurturing my plant and seeing my first tomato blossom, this gave me a confidence boost, and I decided to dabble in the area of growing my own microgreens. I soon had fresh greens a stone’s throw away from my kitchen, which motivated me to reignite my passion for cooking. I used my fresh produce in my salads, sandwiches, stir-fries, and my favourite, pea and mint risotto. I no longer relied on Door Dash and Uber Eats to deliver junk food. I was preparing my own meals again, which significantly helped with the lethargy I had been experiencing."

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Talking Shop

July 12, 2020

"Iyé Creative is a communal social enterprise that is a result of the current situation. We focus on supporting oppressed communities to co-create as a whole, solutions that address systemic issues. Palenke Greens are burlap sack gardens, prioritizing people of African descent and other oppressed people who are facing food insecurity and have been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic and are interested in gardening, cultivating the Ubuntu spirit of communal self– reliance."

Victoria News

June 20, 2020

"Two Victoria community organizers are tackling the issue of food insecurity, particularly amongst racialized individuals, by offering tools to garden just about anywhere using a burlap sack."

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