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Cuba is experiencing a serious  economic and health crisis that requires immediate action.


In recent days, Cuba has experienced its worst increase in COVID-19 cases since the beginning of the pandemic. A severe outbreak in Matanzas has stretched hospitals and isolation centres already at capacity to the limit. As a result, five hundred medical doctors from other parts of the country have been deployed in the province to help. The situation is severe, Cuba is unable to readily access supplies, equipment, or medications if the vendor or transportation company is based in the U.S., does any business in the U.S., or has a U.S. subsidiary.

We the people, want to use the power of empathy, leading to collective action, in order to save lives. We the people must join together in huge numbers to soothe the pain of our brothers and sisters. Unlike any other creature on this planet, we humans carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: we have the power to do better.

It is time for KINDNESS, let’s all stand for the Cuban people. 

1️⃣  Exponential growth in COVID 19 daily confirmed cases, levels never seen before.

2️⃣ The exponential growth in the curve of daily confirmed cases;

3️⃣ The national positivity rate is ~ 10%, doubling the 5% recognized by the WHO as indicative of high viral circulation;

4️⃣ Territories such as Matanzas and Cienfuegos are reporting rates 4 times higher than the ‘alarm limit’; From the July 14th Report Matanzas reported 2159 new cases and Cienfuegos 252. 

5️⃣ The significant increase in serious/critical cases has put the hospitals which are already over capacity at risk of collapse in several territories. 

6️⃣ The circulation of new variants, particularly the Delta variant which is between 40-60% more transmissible than the Alpha;



1️⃣ Lack of medicines and medical supplies to deal with any medical condition 

2️⃣ Failures in diagnostic protocols and immediate contact isolation and tracing;

3️⃣ Deep economic crisis that makes it difficult / impossible to apply mobility limitation measures and in extreme cases when strictly necessary, lockdown-type measures, the most effective to stop these levels of viral circulation;

4️⃣ Critical shortage of basic supplies that prevents the strict implementation of health guidelines such as staying at home and that in contrast cause crowds that promote infections especially in a context of circulation of variants such as Delta;

5️⃣ Lack of generalized access to PFF2 type masks, the most efficient compared to the new, more transmissible variants.

Solidarity groups ​​in Canada have organized a Canada - Cuba Relief Flight with the next flights departing on August 12th and September 9th, 2021 to Holguin in order to reach the Eastern part of Cuba. From there, the items will be distributed by the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP).

All funds raised will be used to buy medical supplies, medicine, food, and personal hygiene supplies to send on the humanitarian aid flight on September 9th.




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